Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Amnesia (With apologies to Neruda)

I have forgotten your face,

your eyes that mirror your heart,

your lips that tempt and tease,

those lips which, to my mind, were perfect on mine.

I have forgotten your scent,

your scent that makes my head swim in ecstacy,

that wisp of pleasure you leave wherever you go, like a footprint:

on my clothes, on my hair, on everything you grace,

that smell which inspired in me thoughts pure, and unpure.

I have forgotten your kisses,

those long kisses - deep, warm, and addictive - how you love long kisses! (which I also love),

I have forgotten our dreams,

the small dreams - what do we do when we're not together,

and really big ones - the garden, the house, the children,

I have forgotten your love,

your love that sustains me, and keeps me sane, and tells me where to go, and what to do, and how to live,

your love which, unfortunately, was like the sunset, beautiful and temporary,

but unlike the sunset will never come again, ever,

So I have forgotten you.

Step One to Insanity

In my mind: "Today, while on my way to work, I was hit with a sudden urge to shout. Yes, shout. Shout at whom? I'm not sure. Shout what? I don't know. Then why in the world do you want to shout when you have no idea whom to shout at and what to shout about? I don't know."

Thus I begin my journey towards Insanity - that state of mind where everything and everyone mean absolutely nothing. Yes, nothing.

But where did it all begin? Where Oh where? I think the question should be "when" not "where." It's "where"! Okay, okay.

It all started in high school. What is "it"? The "it" is this. The "this" is all this. Clear? Yes.

High school was rosy. Because you see, our school buildings are pink. That is why high school was rosy. We hated our school. By "we" I mean I and my classmate-friends, classmate-friends as opposed to classmate-classmates. Get the distinction? No.

I can't continue with this crap!

Maybe later...