Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Ode to Elliott Smith

Miss Misery misses you,
a fond farewell, she says,
never distort this reality,
that you have left this world sad and lonely.

In a corridor,
she found herself lost,
and close to death,
near-summer angel in the snow.

A question mark hangs on every tree branch;
Between the bars, space seemed odd;
Color bars now are always black-blue-gray,
Everything means nothing to her,
bleeding white from lost of love.

Johnny Walker Reds,
hued a different hue,
In my head, I tell myself I am wrong,
but I wasn't, and you were not wrong either,
so now there's nothing to do, but it's alright.

Miss Misery would rather see you gone,
than see you suffer.
And I do, too.

Mary Right

In the end, no rest waits,
For me who longs for peace,
There rises heavy clouds,
and light rain evaporates.

After I am dead, I just might
glance upon your shadow,
Black as night, deep as deep,
Pin-drop in turbulence.

From here to there is eternity,
A million deaths of suns and stars,
A little less than a thousand-fold,
of an ocean of tears and a teaspoon of love.

Where is the path,
that would lead me to you,
My enemy is the light,
My guide is blind.

But when that time comes when time ends,
please be patient -
for I will come,
to glance at the shadow of my memory of you,
and your disappearing footprint on the sand.